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West Dermatology - La Jolla/UTC
San Diego California 92121

(858) 943-4485



westdermatolog1 02.08.19 22:27
Here at West Dermatology - La Jolla/UTC, we work to assist people with skin cancer. We understand how difficult it is not only physically but psychologically as well. This is why we offer patients only the most advanced forms of treatment. Mohs micrographic surgery is one such technique with a high accuracy rate. Considered as one of the most effective ways to treat skin cancer, this type of surgery should only be performed by medical professionals. Our skin care center in San Diego, California is led by a team of highly qualified dermatologists. With the help of Mohs surgery, the patient is expected to remain 100% cancer-free. Not to mention the post-surgery period is quicker compared to other methods. Don’t be a victim of skin cancer. Visit us at westdermatology.com/la-jolla-u tc for more information.

West Dermatology - La Jolla/UTC

9339 Genesee Ave #350a, San Diego California 92121

(858) 943-4485

https://www.westdermatology.co m/la-jolla-utc

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